About my Sessions

I have a teaching background and tailor sessions according to your class, library, or festival needs. PowerPoint presentations can include follow-up writing/craft activities. My fees are based on ASA rates. Find teaching notes via book tabs.

Meet the Author sessions focus on one or several books, looking at the writing process from story spark, through research, character development, setting, and editing drafts to publication. I show practical examples of each step. Sessions can be tailored to include a focus on historical fiction, anthropomorphism, STEM, biographies, page-to-stage, or another aspect of the writing process. More ideas below the image gallery.

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  • Scout and the Rescue Dogs: Do you love dogs? How about trucks? Dianne shares the story behind her CBCA shortlisted book, from story spark, through character development, researching dog breeds, Kenworth trucks, road trips, settings, and an unexpected plot change! Then we have fun brainstorming dog bios before students sketch their dream Truck Dog. Ages 8-12. Good for mapping and scrapbooking activities as well.
  • Crafting Animal Characters: Dianne shares her passion for anthropomorphism sharing story crafting examples from CBCA shortlisted Scout and the Rescue Dogs , award-winning titles The Dog with Seven Names and The Last Light Horse as well as film-optioned The Shark Caller. Exploring voice and character development via a dog or horse is fun. Writing from a shark or giant octopus POV is more challenging! Can be adapted for middle-upper primary and early secondary.
  • Picture Book Button Fun with Granny Grommet and Nanna: For junior primary. Dianne reads Granny Grommet and Me and Nanna’s Button Tin, encouraging children to join in story actions while reinforcing age-appropriate book elements (title, author, illustrator, spine, blurb …). She shares drafts, showing how an idea becomes a book, and talks about the real Granny Grommets and Eeyore, her childhood snuggly toy, encouraging children to talk about theirs. Can be followed by a fun ocean creatures or button craft activity to stimulate imagination. PP-3.
  • Historical Fiction: Sessions can focus on one or all of the ‘Light’ series books (Lighthouse Girl, Light Horse Boy, In the Lamplight, The Last Light Horse), including semaphore/wartime postcard writing, and/or The Dog with Seven Names and Photographs in the Mud. Dianne explains her writing process, giving practical examples, focusing on the importance of research, using primary/secondary texts and weaving fact and fiction. Ages 8-adult.
  • Page to Stage: Come on a journey with Dianne’s award-winning ‘Light’ series. These books have been reimagined in song, Giant puppet street theatre, projected onto buildings, and adapted for CineStage. So how does that work? After a fun introduction to the series (inspiration, research, archival objects, character development, and editing) Dianne shares the joys of creative collaboration, then gives a behind-the-scenes peek at Theatre 180’s adaptation.  
  • Saving the planet one edible bug and turtle hatchling at a time: Dianne’s titles explore contemporary challenges facing today’s youth. Skye Blackburn-Lang: Eating bugs for the planet is Australia’s first edible insect farmer. Mia: Through my Eyes – Australian Disaster Zones is set in the Pilbara during Cyclone Veronica. Both books link to resilience and sustainability. Dianne shares her passion for sparking change through writing, and about being commissioned to write for a series, showing practical examples of the writing journey. Then, some students might want to try an edible insect corn chip! Ages 8-13.
  • Dogs in Fiction: Talking about anthropomorphism and ways dog characters have been used in fiction.
  • Double Dogs: similar to above without anthropomorphism. A two-book creative journey focus; Scout and the Rescue Dogs and The Dog with Seven Names.
  • Pilbara Stories: Dianne’s recent novel Mia: Through my Eyes – Australian Disaster Zones and her award-winning The Dog with Seven Names are both set in the remote Pilbara area of north-western Australia. She shares her research journeys for these very different titles, including photographs, drafts and archival objects, focusing on sensory writing, multiple viewpoints, and the importance of setting. Linking to resilience, sustainability, and HASS. Ages 9-adult.
  • Crafting Animal Characters 2: Dianne has loved animal stories since she was little, and her PhD research focused on crafting animal characters in Australian literature. The final book in her acclaimed Light series, The Last Light Horse combines two of her passions; historical fiction and exploring the interesting roles animals can play in storytelling. Dianne introduces Sandy, the only Australian horse to return from WWI, showing archival photographs, research notes, and anecdotes about creative synchronicity, bringing the past to the forefront through a unique animal lens.
  • STEM Stars: Dianne has written two titles for the popular Aussie STEM Stars series; Skye Blackburn-Lang: eating bugs for the planet and Munjed Al Muderis: From refugee to surgical inventor. She explains the process of biography writing using practical examples, talking about resilience and how there ‘Stars’ overcame challenges to follow their goals. Then, are your students brave enough to try a cricket corn chip? Ages 8-12.
  • Anthropomorphism and the Secret Powers of Animal Characters: Why do authors use animal characters to tell stories? Using examples from her work, Dianne shows students how to craft anthropomorphic picture books. A practical workshop for Year 4 upwards.
  • Visual Literacy: There’s more to picture books than you think! Dianne uses a variety of texts to explore design and creative collaborations. These include: Photographs in the Mud, the ‘Light’ series, Nanna’s Button Tin and Granny Grommet and Me. Ages 10-adult.

For Adults: Dianne is a regular presenter at teacher/librarian conferences, libraries, and festivals. Popular topics include; PhD Research into Anthropomorphism (animals as metaphor & windows to challenging themes), Writing for Children, Historical Fiction, Page to Stage, Biography Writing, Commissions and the Practical Business of being an Author …

Dianne also runs 1-day or 3-day workshops for adults (beginner and advanced) focusing on Writing Picture Books and Novels for the Children’s and YA Market.

2 thoughts on “About my Sessions

  1. Adele Costello

    Hi i am a grandmum of 8chn Most of them love to read as do my 3 grown up chn I have just purchased two copies of Lighthouse girl and was wondering if i could post them to you to be signed I live in Rockingham WA

    1. Dianne Wolfer Post author

      Hello Adele, you could send them to me via Peter Watson, PO Box 5844, Albany 6332 with return postage and I would be very happy to sign. Just add a note inside the books saying who to inscribe to. Best wishes, Dianne


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