3 thoughts on “Historical fiction

  1. Verna bevilaqua

    Hi dianne. Re the photo of the girl leaning on the hall stand. I think I may actually have that stand. My father used to be one of the crew who serviced the island in the fifties and sixties and when the last keeper left the island obits and pieces were left or given to various people. The stand looks exactly like the one I have that my parents used for years. It is made of nz kauri with ornate carving of flowers on the two shelves and down the legs. Is there any further history on this

    1. Dianne Wolfer Post author

      HI Verna, I’m just learning how to fully access the comments on the website and so have just seen this message from long ago 🙂 Sorry for the delay and I know we caught up via email. There is a third in the series coming out next April, set mostly in Harefield, UK, but touching lightly on Albany at the end… Best wishes 🙂 Dianne


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