Inspiring Giants – a tender meeting and ‘that moment’

The best Arts events inspire controversy . But who IMG_5261would have thought in this age of religious tension, detention and blue ties that a little girl’s toilet break could inspire impassioned letters to the editor? It seems that public urination is a hot topic not just in Paris and Perth but also in Oklahoma . And my parents and husband were close enough to almost feel the splash! They’d perched at a table with a reserved sign amidst people they discovered were from Down South, but the table was actually reserved for Jean-Luc. By the time Karen and I arrived, the controversial moment was over, the asphalt was drying and everyone was enjoying a second drink…

The meeting of The Diver and the Little Girl a few hours later occurred against the impressive backdrop of The Swan River and included Noongar smoke cleansing for purity and cleansing and face painting.

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The respectful ceremony was followed by the Little Girl Giant’s joyful airborne dance. This was a highlight of the weekend. I have a beautiful clip of the dance, but I’m still trying to work out how to load it (!) In the meantime, here are some other evocative images:

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After the reunion, the Giants settled down for the night. The record player came out again and soon the Little Girl and her uncle were snoring. At last the hardworking and probably very hot Lilliputians were able to loosen their coats and relax before the final day…

lll  bbb





3 thoughts on “Inspiring Giants – a tender meeting and ‘that moment’

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